Smart Parking App for Smart City
Smart parking – faster and easier
How does Smart Parking App work?
The Smart Parking app optimizes digital technology to provide end-users with a quick and easy way to find available parking spots and pay for their parking. Public users will no longer have to purchase parking coupons in advance and can pay directly with the app. Enforcers can easily track expired coupons and issue summons more effectively with any smartphone (android or iPhone). No additional hardware is required! It can reduce double entry work by compound officers, and save on manpower cost and human error while maximizing Council profits. The smart parking app will be able to integrate with License Plate Recognition Cameras at all entrance and exit points of the indoor or outdoor carpark to detect the overparking of vehicles. An “Available Car Park Map” can also be integrated with Parking Bay Cameras that can detect the availability of up to 40 bays to guide the public to available car parks.

Benefits for the Public
Auto-Alert of Parking overdue
Online payment of Parking Fees with automatically calculated by entering your vehicle car number, selecting your cat, and indicating the estimated parking duration
Extend your Parking without having to return to your car to put another coupon
No longer need to queue to buy printed coupons
Receive notifications when your parking session is about to expire. Extend your parking session without having to return to the car
Benefits for the Car Park Management
Cash transaction control & preventing counterfeit coupons
Eliminates costly printing cost
Easy to track system of overdue parked cars
Easy to issue e-compound tickets or physical tickets
Run reports instantly on revenue received
Promoting the digital economy
Ability to run advertisements on the Parking App Platform for additional revenue
Provides additional income for Parking App top-up agents
Increases accuracy of parking control in zones and live feed on available parking space